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Influence of architecture on the Raman spectra of acid-treated carbon nanostructures
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Raman spectroscopy was used to characterise 11 varieties of carbon nanostructures (CNSs) consisting on seven varieties of commercial multi-walled carbon nanotubes, two types of carbon nanofibres and two types of lab-synthesised single-walled carbon nanotubes. The Raman spectra of these CNSs provided information on the structural ordering of the as-received (or as-synthesised) material. Additionally, the CNSs were chemically treated by two mixtures of nitric and sulphuric acids at markedly different concentrations and then characterised by Raman spectroscopy. The features of the G and D Raman bands of the CNSs were used to assess structural modifications and generation of defects induced by the acid treatments. Changes in the Raman spectra before and after acidic treatment depend strongly on the initial intensity ratio of the G to D bands and the architecture (number of layers or diameter) of the CNSs.
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Investigación Arbitrados

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