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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
5-Feb-2013A Combined Evidence Phylogenetic Re-circumscription and a Taxonomic Revision of Lophiarella (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae)ArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA-
4-Jan-2012A new species of Macroclinium(Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) from Andean Venezuela with brief comments on the biogeography of the genusArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA-
7-Mar-2012Encyclia lopezii(Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) a new species from VenezuelaArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA-
15-May-2012The "lady in white", a showy new species of Cryptocentrum(Orchidaceae, Maxillariinae) from Colombia ArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA-
24-May-2010Reassessment of Zephyranthes (Amaryllidaceae) in the Yucatán Peninsula including a new species, Z. orellanaeArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA-
2014A new species of mule-ear oncidium with straw-yellow flowers (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae, Lophiaris) from central PanamaArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA; WILLIAM ROLANDO CETZAL IX; RICARDO BALAM NARVAEZ11-Aug-2017
2007Generic realignments in Maxillariinae (Orchidaceae)ArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA; Samantha Koehler; Dario Isidro Ojeda Alayon6-Dec-2017
2008Generic realignments in Maxillariinae (Orchidaceae): corrigenda et addendaArtículoGERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA1-Dec-2017
2014A new natural hybrid between Prosthechea cochleata and P. radiata (Orchidaceae) from Alta Verapaz, GuatemalaArtículoWILLIAM ROLANDO CETZAL IX; GERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA11-Aug-2017
2014Three new species and growth patterns in Hechtia (Bromeliaceae: Hechtioideae)ArtículoIVON MERCEDES RAMIREZ MORILLO; CARLOS FRANCISCO JIMENEZ NAH; GERMAN CARNEVALI FERNANDEZ CONCHA; JUAN PABLO PINZON ESQUIVEL11-Aug-2017
