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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
29-Apr-2016Artificial weathering analysis and mechanical behavior of geotextiles used for coast erosion control and beach restorationArtículoCARLOS ROLANDO RIOS SOBERANIS; José de los Ángeles Rodríguez Laviada; EMILIO PEREZ PACHECO5-Aug-2017
2014Evaluation of mechanical behaviour of bone cements by using acoustic emission techniqueArtículoCARLOS ROLANDO RIOS SOBERANIS; JOSE MANUEL CERVANTES UC; ALEJANDRO MAY PAT8-Aug-2017
2016Characterization of biodegradable films based on salvia hispanica l. Protein and mucilageArtículoM. I. CAPITANI; ANGEL JESUS MATUS BASTO; Juan Carlos Ruiz Ruiz; JOSE LUIS SANTIAGO GARCIA; DAVID ABRAM BETANCUR ANCONA; MAIRA RUBI SEGURA CAMPOS25-Jun-2018
2000Estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de cementos óseos preparados con metacrilatos funcionalizadosArtículoMIRIAM ERICKA ISLAS BLANCAS; JOSE MANUEL CERVANTES UC; JUAN VALERIO CAUICH RODRIGUEZ25-Oct-2018
2015Study of the effect of stratum orientation on damage initiation and propagation on mayan archeological limestone by using acoustic emission techniqueArtículoVICTOR JOSE LEY PAREDES; CARLOS EMILIO VINAJERA REYNA; LUIS RAUL PANTOJA DIAZ; Carlos Rolando Ríos Soberanis20-Mar-2020
2019Experimental studies on the mechanical behavior of Mayan archeological rocksArtículoVICTOR JOSE LEY PAREDES; Carlos Rolando Ríos Soberanis; Emilio Pérez Pacheco; CARLOS EMILIO VINAJERA REYNA; SHUICHI WAKAYAMA; TAKENOBU SAKAI23-Sep-2020
2020Mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced foamed concreteArtículoJOAQUIN FRANCISCO CASTILLO LARA; Emmanuel Alejandro Flores Johnson; Alex Valadez González; Pedro Jesús Herrera Franco; José Gonzalo Carrillo Baeza; Pedro Iván González Chí; Q. M. Li26-Oct-2021
2021Morphological and mechanical properties of electrospun polycaprolactone scaffolds: Effect of applied voltageArtículoLuis Alfonso Can Herrera; Andres Ivan Oliva Arias; Mario Adrián de Atocha Dzul Cervantes; Oscar Fernando Pacheco Salazar; JOSE MANUEL CERVANTES UC29-Sep-2022
20213D printing of a continuous fiber-reinforced composite based on a coaxial Kevlar/PLA filamentArtículoTrenton Cersoli; Bharat Yelamanchi; Eric MacDonald; José Gonzalo Carrillo Baeza; Pedro Cortes31-Oct-2022
2022Effects of neutralization on the physicochemical, mechanical, and biological properties of Ammonium-Hydroxide-Crosslinked chitosan scaffoldsArtículoPAOLA HASSIBE AZUETA AGUAYO; Martha Gabriela Chuc-Gamboa; Fernando Javier Aguilar-Perez; Fernando Javier Aguilar-Ayala; Beatriz Adriana Rodas-Junco; ROSSANA FARIDE VARGAS CORONADO; JUAN VALERIO CAUICH RODRIGUEZ10-Oct-2023
