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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
17-Feb-2014An assessment of finite element analysis to predict the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of singlewall carbon nanotubesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
5-Aug-2014Influence of architecture on the Raman spectra of acid-treated carbon nanostructuresArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
17-Feb-2014Influence of nanotube physicochemical properties on the decoration of multiwall carbon nanotubes with magnetic particlesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
17-Feb-2014A beamspecimentomeasuretheface/corefracturetoughness of sandwichmaterialsunderatearingloadingmodeArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
18-Jun-2014A vibrational approach to determine the elastic modulus of individual thin films in multilayersArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
27-Jan-2014Long term water uptake of a low density polyvinyl chloride foam and its effect on the foam microstructure and mechanical propertiesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
10-Aug-2013Self-sensing of elastic strain, matrix yielding and plasticity in multiwall carbon nanotube/vinyl ester compositesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
16-Mar-2013Sensing of Large Strain Using Multiwall Carbon Nanotube/Segmented Polyurethane CompositesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
6-Nov-2013Tensile piezoresistivity and disruption of percolation in singlewall and multiwall carbon nanotube/polyurethane compositesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
18-Mar-2013Influence of silane concentration on the silanization of multiwall carbon nanotubesArtículoFRANCIS AVILES CETINA-
